Manuel D. Dengler

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Gastric Bypass Surgery Makes Slimming Fast, Are There Any Side Effects?
Gastric Bypass Surgery Makes Slimming Fast, Are There Any Side Effects?

Everyone wants to have a thin and ideal body, especially women. There are many ways to get the desired body shape, one of which is a diet that restricts food intake. In fact, to get thin quickly, many people are willing to eat very little or vomit after eating. Not only that, some people also do gastric bypass surgery so they can lose weight quickly. But wait, in addition to providing benefits, gastric bypass also definitely poses a risk to you, read more on

A number of studies even mention that in those who are obese, their quality of life decreases. Because they get tired easily and can't move like normal people in general. In addition, the problem of obesity also causes a shorter life expectancy due to the risk of diseases that arise from obesity.

This surgery involves 'stapling' the stomach, then making a small pouch in the stomach and connecting it to your small intestine.

This can certainly help you lose weight and improve your overall health. Some of the obesity-related medical conditions that can be helped by gastric bypass surgery are:

Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Severe arthritis
High blood pressure
Obstructive sleep apnea

Gastric bypass is a major surgery that can certainly provide a lot of risks for you. Some of the risks that can arise from gastric bypass surgery are:

Injuries to the stomach, intestines, or other organs during surgery
The pouch made in the stomach leaks
Scar tissue that forms in the stomach can cause blockages in the intestines
Vomiting after eating because the stomach pouch is not able to hold all the food you eat
Gastritis, peptic ulcer, heartburn
Malnutrition and anemia, because the nutrients that enter your body become limited
Gallstones, due to weight loss very quickly
Dumping syndrome, a condition in which you experience diarrhea, nausea, or stomach acid reflux after eating foods high in sugar

In addition, the anesthetic used during gastric bypass surgery can also cause risks, such as allergies to the anesthetic used, breathing problems, blood clots, bleeding, and infections.

Not everyone can perform gastric bypass surgery. This surgery can be performed by people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more or people with a BMI of 35 or more who have serious medical conditions that require weight loss. Actually, gastric bypass surgery or other weight loss surgery does not guarantee that you will lose excess weight and have a thin body in the long term. This depends on how you maintain your weight.

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